Sunday, August 21, 2011


A chance happening. A possibility.

It would appear that after a year of disuse, I have stumbled back upon this blog. I failed at this… couldn’t do it for 3 days without forgetting for a whole year.
A lot happened this year. More than I plan on going in depth on right now. Here’s a short list. Maybe I’ll fatten it up with details later.



New friends. Old friends

Starting high school


Growing up

Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons


Pamplona exchange trip

and more. this is harder than I thought. and looking back, I also tried a little to be someone I’m not. I tried to be mysterious, and whimsical, and off beat. Not girly. And I have a confession (there’s a lot of those in this blog, even though this is only the 4th post. It appears I have a lying problem) I’m not of those things. Maybe I wish I were. Maybe I am sometimes. But the vast majority of the time, I’m just your average teenage girl. And I’m super girly, pretty easy to read, and I try to be whimsical but keeping my heads in the clouds suffocates me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


1.A specialized and often secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group.

2.A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps, and vagabonds.

Yesterday was the first day of photo classes. These are amazing classes, they are SO fun. We take black and white photos (with a film camera) and then develop the film into negatives (which look pretty cool, all ghost-y) Then we enlarge them on photo paper in the dark room. Most of them turn out really well. It’s one of the funnest things I have done all summer.

I took photos of things around Tam High, and then some at the boat docks in Sausalito. Those will be cool, especially the one I took with our family in the boat hull reflection. We also went to the houseboats to take pictures. That’s the coolest thing of all. All the houseboats are like pieces of art. For example, there was a purple one that looked a lot like a boat (most of them don’t)… It’s hard to explain unless you see it. All the houses have art displays in front of them. Not typical “great” art, in fact a lot of people might see it as junk. It’s not, its amazing, intricate and beautiful. There was old typewriters, ship wheels, plants, shells, toys, signs… I love it. I want the area outside my window to be like that,I’m starting soon. I have no doubt that I’ll go back there a lot. Not during low tide though, of course :D

The Post Without a Title

Today was the last swim practice of the season – tomorrow's champs. And because Tam pool is closed because of something to do with maintenance (it’s always maintenance) we swam at strawberry. At 6 AM. Just like the good old times, eh?

I’m partly kidding. There’s something refreshing about exercising first thing, bright and early, that gets you energized for the day. It feels great. Bad part is that now its around 7 and I have no idea what to do with all this time. I usually wake up around 11.

This is totally off topic, but remember yesterday when I said I collect words? And how I might share my list? Well, I’ve decided that starting next post, I’ll share one word for you per post, in the title. The word may have something to do with the post, it may not. Either way, there it is. It will also help my collection… because I have a confession. It’s not a very complete list. I had the idea a while ago and started to collect, but don’t do it that often… Sorry.

P.S. This post (saying that word too much!) is called “The Post Without a Title” because I don’t want it to be the only post with a “normal” name. I was going to name it “Swimming and Ideas” but it would be the odd one out. And if there’s one thing about me, it’s that I’m organized. I plan a lot. Some people (cough cough) get annoyed but that’s just the way I am. Besides, I’m usually the one to get things together. The annoyed people always end up liking the end product, and nothing big gets done unless there’s a plan. And it’s not that I don’t live in the moment, because I do. (Carpe diem is one of my favorite sayings.) I do spur of the moment things all the time. However, there’s a certain things have to be planned or go in order…. haha

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Post

Isn’t this exciting. My first post on my blog. True… its not my first blog…. but this blog I’m actually going to try to continue. There’s a shortcut to it on my computer so I probably will.

For starters let me introduce myself. I’m Bridget, and I like to think of myself a lot of different ways. How I see myself is probably not how others see me, but this is my blog. My thoughts. So you can decide who you think I am by reading my posts and I’ll decide who I am otherwise. I see me as being interesting, conversational, a traveler at heart. Not girly. I wish a lot. Some of my wishes are whimsical, some are possible. The ones that are I try to make come true.

I collect words. That’s something interesting about me. I have a list. Some of them, I just like the way I sound. Some I like the meaning. Some I like for no particular reason at all. Maybe one day I’ll share my list with you. Even though there is probably no “you” out there anyway. In case there is, I’ll be using nicknames for people.

Final thing I’m going to address is this blogs name. I really like it, even though it was just a spur of the moment desision. It has two meanings, depending on how you look at it. One is how I first thought of it. “There’s no one way.” Like, there is not one way to do things. The other is as if “no one way” was a street name. Some streets are called way (obviosly) so No One Way. Wouldn’t that be a cool address? And it works. I’m no one in particular. So far, I’m not that important in the grand scheme of things. It doesn’t bother me, at least not yet. I’m still growing up. Later I want to make a difference in the world. I have a bucket list, and that’s one of the things on it.